宀 Re-Opening Party with Mr. Ho (Klasse Wreck) & Sunsiaré (宀)





大翻新後宀以全新面貌示人,首個派對陣容由宀音樂總監Sunsiaré與獨立廠牌Klasse Wrecks主理人Mr. Ho 再次聯手,帶來整夜Techno、House及不能分類的驚喜之聲。有這兩位DJ為新宀打響頭炮,各位久等我們重新回來的樂迷,千萬不要錯過。Mr Ho,身兼四職,音樂收藏家,DJ、製作人及廠牌主理人。與音樂人Luca Lozano,他們二人共同營運廠牌Klasse Wrecks,旗下推出過的唱片多不勝數,均受到高度關注。Mr. Ho本人分別在Klasse Wrecks、Cabaret Recordings、ESP Institute、Neubau、Creme Organization 不同廠牌旗下推出唱片, Mr. Ho的出品固然有個人風格,亦成功融入不同合作單位的特色。以世界級Turntablist搖身一變成為DJ,對於Mr Ho來說,是與生俱來的能力,他的DJ Set專注於House、Techno、Breakbeat及Electronica的範疇,活力大放,亦每每帶給我們連串驚喜。Mr Ho幾乎去過地球每一個洲演出,現時駐紮於香港宀及柏林Tresor。The 宀 music director Sunsiaré and Klasse Wrecks’ honcho Mr. Ho are joining forces once again for 宀 official reopening night, expect a crazy blend of techno, house and everything in between. With these two local heroes going back to back in the newly renovated club, this is not one to be missed.MR. HO, he is a music collector, DJ, Producer and Label Owner. Alongside Luca Lozano, Mr. Ho runs and curates Klasse Wrecks, the cult label that is responsible for some of the most highly anticipated and much sought after records in electronic music in recent years. Mr. Ho has made music for Klasse Wrecks, Cabaret Recordings, ESP Institute, Neubau, Creme Organization, and a few others. Every Mr. Ho release/remix has its own style, but is made with respect to each of the imprints/artists. Having started out his career as a world class level turntablist, Mr. Ho has an easy and natural ability as a dj. His sets are energetic and unpredictable, rooted in House, Techno, Breakbeat and Electronica. Mr. Ho has played in clubs and festivals in almost every continent, and currently holds residencies at Mihn (Hong Kong) and Tresor (Berlin).