Distrikt Invites Jensen Interceptor (International Chrome, Berlin)




Entropy 熵 with Years of Denials (Veyl, France), Yung & Nanogram (Entropy 熵, Hong Kong)

「宀」是一個位於香港中心地帶的全新音樂場地,宗旨在於希望能夠透過精心挑選的電子音樂以及其他文化藝術活動,將人們聚集起來。這個能夠容納100人左右的場地,不只將帶來國際型的表演者,也將會成為亞太區、本地菁英的培育地。「宀」這個中文字的部首在不同國家有不同的發音,在字形上像是一個屋頂、一個藏身處。這是一個你/妳可以自在表現自己的地方。這是一個你/妳可以盡情跳舞的地方。這是一個你/妳可以找尋人生的地方。這是一個歡迎所有種族、性別、性傾向認同的地方。為了保護這樣的宗旨,在這裡禁止所有拍照攝影的行為。「宀」的靈感啟發是來自於一群熱愛音樂及音響系統的同好,也因此他們選擇了Funktion One音響,並精準的由香港一位傳音效果專家特別為這個場地量身訂製調整而成。

宀 is a music venue in the very heart of Hong Kong focused on bringing people together through carefully selected electronic music acts and cultural activities. The 100-capacity venue will bring a roster of leading international performers while nurturing local and regional talent.宀 is the Chinese Radical 40 with a different pronunciation according countries. It has no literal meaning but can be likened to a roof or shelter. This is a place where you can express yourself freely. This place is for dancing. This is a place to learn. This is safe space where you will not be harassed, discriminated, criticised or harmed emotionally or physically. This is a place where all Races, Genders and Sexual identities are welcome. To safeguard this vision, there will be a no-photo policy applied inside the club.宀 has been imagined by a group of music and audiophile enthusiasts who have chosen a Funktion One soundsystem in a room carefully engineered by one of the region's leading experts in acoustics.