Chris SSG is best known as the co-founder of the now defunct MNML SSGS blog, recognized as a leading source of critical insight on electronic music.
Following the end of the blog, he has devoted his energies to DJing and organising parties, and in the process has become an integral part of Japan’s electronic music community. As a DJ, Chris SSG has taken a less common approach, focusing primarily on ambient and experimental music. He has developeda distinctive approachto ambient that has a similar structure and dynamicto a techno set, only aimed for the head and heart.
Chris SSG has played widely in Tokyo, and has ventured further a field, with shows in Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, as well as at Berghain’s Elektroakustischer Salon, Concrete Paris and The Bunker New York, as well as major festivals including Berlin Atonal, Nachtdigital, Organik, and Sustain Release.